“we know it all so the we-solution is to focus on what’s wrong with them without admitting our shortcomings.”
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An avatar, in Hindu, is a divine teacher.  While we all fall short of divinity, we can nurture our best intentions instead of our worst instincts.  weallrate avatars challenge us to work on our better ourselves. Change that lasts starts with us.
Before trying to solve their problems, we all need to work on our own issues.  

We all need uplifted spirits, education more about wisdom than conformity, health more about prevention than disease, wealth that helps us live satisfying rich lives, and a community that supports the best in us not our worst.  

When you choose a spirit, education, health, wealth or community avatar, you identify an area in your life where you come up short and want to improve. Recognizing our own shortcomings can help us be less judgmental when considering others.

First, choose your avatar.  Then respond to weallrate statements.  Share we-solutions with respect and compassion. wesolutions.htmlshapeimage_11_link_0
We all ‘got issues, some personal, many group induced.  We conform to norms that stifle our humanity.  We all are imperfect works in progress, nursing different needs. 

Do we need to lift our spirit because we’re always negative?

Did we get an enlightening education or just training to get ahead of and not ahead with each other?

Do we neglect our heath, just going along until we get sick?

Do we chase wealth that doesn’t satisfy our soul?

Is our life all about me, me, me with no sense of  community?
 weallrate        know us        we solutions        wealltalkweallrate.htmlknow_us.htmlwesolutions.htmlwealltalk.htmlshapeimage_14_link_0shapeimage_14_link_1shapeimage_14_link_2shapeimage_14_link_3