jock brains  “compete-itis”                                                                  jockbrains.htmlshapeimage_7_link_0
 high minds  “mind worship”                                          highminds.htmlshapeimage_8_link_0
grand hands  “wisdom well”                                                                      grandhands.htmlshapeimage_9_link_0
 vet heads  “lives shocked”                                           vetheads.htmlshapeimage_10_link_0
 young hearts  “need seasoning”                                                        younghearts.htmlshapeimage_11_link_0

If uneducated the we-solution is getting well-educated group think.

When we pass on our mistakes the we-solution is to call it wisdom.”

Degrees equal common sense so the we-solution is get that education.

Sports is so uncivilized so the we-solution is more academic competition.

Many of us mistake kindness for weakness so the we-solution is hate.

Soldiers suffer spirit wounds so the  we-solution is to just get over it.

Youth naively fight for justice so the we-solution is to crack heads..
Life is hard so the we-solution is to just look out for me and mine.

When the wounded lose faith in us the we-solution is, forget about it.
global eyes  “ameri-schiz”                                                                      globaleyes.htmlshapeimage_21_link_0
we all  “my tribe”weall.htmlshapeimage_22_link_0
 black faces  “kidnap mentality”                                                                                 blackfaces.htmlshapeimage_23_link_0
Sometimes our groups don’t know as much as we think they know.  Sometimes groups we think know less, know more about how to meet their own needs and ours.    Use weallrate groups to help inform our thinking before sharing our 


we all at times cling to “my tribe”.   
black faces can suffer a “kidnap mentality”. 
class acts sometimes show a “herd mentality”.  
global eyes views are often “ameri-schiz”.  
grand hands don’t all offer a “wisdom well”.
high minds tend to “mind worship”.  
jock brains often show less “compete-itis”.  
love lives view global strife as “love stuck”. 
vet heads often suffer “lives shocked” 
young hearts sometimes “need seasoning”.

class acts   “herd mentality”                                                            classacts.htmlshapeimage_26_link_0
Don’t like our weallrate groups?  Use your existing groups  or form new groups to share we-solutions.  Join groups.  wesolutions.htmljoingroups.htmlshapeimage_27_link_0shapeimage_27_link_1
If we look, think, and do different, the we-solution is to just conform.
 weallrate        know us        we solutions        wealltalkweallrate.htmlknow_us.htmlwesolutions.htmlwealltalk.htmlshapeimage_29_link_0shapeimage_29_link_1shapeimage_29_link_2shapeimage_29_link_3
The myth of the independent minded individual often blinds us to how groups mold us and institutions change us, including media.  

The more power and status the group offers, the more powerful the gravitational pull toward conformity.  No problem, when it serves us well.  

However, group bias fanned by media fears is a problem.  Mass media pits us against each other, manipulating old hurts and creating new fears.  When we watch more, they charge advertisers more.  That's  just business as usual.  We can use media to more good.

People come from diverse cultures, bringing different wounds and wisdom.  weallrate statements, provoking we-solutions, can help heal our wounds and share   our wisdom.
 love lives  “love stuck”                                                                                   lovelives.htmlshapeimage_31_link_0