“our groups and media know best so the we-solution is to just believe everything they say and never question.”

If the KNOW us shoe doesn’t fit, don’t get all defensive.  Move on.  Choose your AVATAR.avatars.htmlshapeimage_10_link_0
we all - my tribe    
black faces - kidnap mentality     
class acts - herd mentality     
global eyes - ameri-schiz    
grand hands - wisdom wellweall.htmlblackfaces.htmlclassacts.htmlglobaleyes.htmlgrandhands.htmlshapeimage_11_link_0shapeimage_11_link_1shapeimage_11_link_2shapeimage_11_link_3shapeimage_11_link_4
high minds - mind worship    
jock brains - compete-itis     
love lives - love stuck     
vet heads - life shocked    
young hearts - need seasoninghighminds.htmljockbrains.htmllovelives.htmlvetheads.htmlyounghearts.htmlshapeimage_12_link_0shapeimage_12_link_1shapeimage_12_link_2shapeimage_12_link_3shapeimage_12_link_4
spirit - psyche paths    
education - miseducation     
health - well wish        spirit.htmleducation.htmlhealth.htmlshapeimage_13_link_0shapeimage_13_link_1shapeimage_13_link_2
wealth - money worship    community - child’s play     
weallrate - media markswealth.htmlcommunity.htmlweallrate_1.htmlshapeimage_14_link_0shapeimage_14_link_1shapeimage_14_link_2
The better we know ourselves, the better we can help ourselves and somebody else.  Too often we talk about what’s wrong with them, while overlooking what’s not right with us.  

Choose a weallrate statement. Before sharing our we-solutions for weallrate diverse groups and for spirit, education, health, wealth, community and weallrate issues, take a look at the corresponding KNOW us. 

Do some “me” search and some “we” search.  Assess ourselves before we express ourselves about how to solve their problems and ours.
    agree  disagreewesolutions.htmlshapeimage_16_link_0
 weallrate        know us        we solutions        wealltalkweallrate.htmlwesolutions.htmlwealltalk.htmlshapeimage_17_link_0shapeimage_17_link_1shapeimage_17_link_2shapeimage_17_link_3